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About Organization for Health Promotion and Management (OHPM):

OHPM is committed to promote the lives of communities through provision of comprehensive and standardized health, education and development services; conducting trainings, researches, surveys and evaluations independently and/or collaboratively at local, national and international levels that would ultimately result in a sustainable well-being and self-reliance of vulnerable communities /age groups (Especially of the women of reproductive age and under five children).

OHPM selected by the UNICEF and is responsible to delivering the HER (BPHS & EPHS) in Kapisa, Paktika, Helmand & Herat provinces and implementing other vertical projects in Khost, Parwan, Panjshir, Zabul, Nimroz and Kandahar provinces funded by the UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, WHO, WFP, OCHA, according to established and agreed targets (for quality and coverage), and thereby contribute to achieving the goals of the Ministry of Public Health which are to: Reduce maternal and newborn mortality, Reduce under 5 mortality, improve child health and nutrition.

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